Tailgating at The University Of Cincinnati


Calling all University of Cincinnati students! We visited you for your football game against Baylor - and you all were so welcoming!! We chatted with a few of you, and this is what you had to say :

Alli - a freshmen in speech language and pathology is loving her time at UC so far! She has made lots of friends in her dorm and is apart of bearcat buddies, tutoring, and best buddies. She also makes friends in her classes and recommend UC to everyone!

Anna Meredith is a freshman in exploratory studies who hear of UC from a friend who when to school there. She fell in love during a campus visit and the rest is history! We asked her how hard its been to make friends, and she said it was a 7/10 since there were a lot of clubs to participate in!

Mallory ( a freshman in interior design) and Grace ( freshman in graphic design ) chatted with us and said its been pretty easy to make friends so far. Their favorite part of school is the freedom and their friends in their programs. They live in a social dorm, so they always have someone to hang with!

We also chatted with Carson ( from Miami University) and Jared ( from UC ) who shared their tips for making friends. Carson said to let loose and to not be yourself, while Jared said to be yourself and let loose. Whichever you choose, they did agree that Wednesdays are for the boys!

Thank you to everyone who chatted, and we look forward to having you apart of The Somebody Society’s new chapter - Somebody University!

visiting the University of Cincinnati

Lexie and Sydney from The Somebody Society and Somebody University visiting the campus!


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