10 easy last minute halloween ideas

Looking for some last minute halloween inspiration? Same girl, same.

Each year I promise myself that I will stay on top of my coustume, and every year I am looking in my closet trying to put something together. So if youre like me, then read below for 10 easy last minute halloween costumes that suit any style!

10 easy  last minute halloween costumes you probably have at home

Barbie - anything pink - Especially perfect for the year of Barbie , the skiy is the limit for this costume! Wanna be regular barbie? Wear Pink! Doctor Barbie? Pink dress and a white coat. Noble Prize Barbie? a cute dress with a small trophy from your childhood ( we know you still have those trophies). Any Barbie counts! Same with Kens!

10 easy  last minute halloween costumes you probably have at home

Tee Bo from Icarly - orange shirt and bagels ( or honestly any random food) - The best side character from the OG Icarly is an easy character since all you need is an oversized orange polo and a quick trip to the store to grab a bag of bagels. You will surely be popular at the party - especially if you get everything seasoning

Steve Irwin - khaki and a stuffed animal - spread some love to the animal kingdom and wear a tan button up and khaki pants, and again pull out your ould child hood toys to grap a stuffed animal. Bonus points if its a reptile ( no stingrays- too soon )

A bridesmaid - any old dress you could "easily wear again" - For any of us girlies who were told that we can wear our expensive bridesmaids dress again, this is probably the only time you can. Might as well, right?

10 easy  last minute halloween costumes you probably have at home

A mouse ( duh ) - all you need are little grey ears!

10 easy  last minute halloween costumes you probably have at home

Undercover super hero - jacket, hat sunglasses - the best part of any super hero movie are the super obvious undercover outfits ( looking at you Steve Rodgers!) grab any hat, sunglasses and a dark jacket , and you will surely be able to doge any ex at the party.

Elle Woods Montage - track suit , pony tail, books - its time to get our sh*t together Elle Woods style! Any track suit will do - preferably velvet - and tie your hair in a high pony. Grab a book and you’re ready to be the best version of yourself in about 2 minutes and a motivational song.

Kim Possible - black turtleneck and green pants - bonus points for red hair - i pulled this bad boy out last year and was kick ass and comfy ! I grabbed a can of red hair spray to complete the look - even though my bathroom was covered in it... ( it cleaned easy don’t worry )

Pantone color of the year - its pink! Viva magenta is the 2023 color of the year - so grab some pink clothes and you’re done!

The final girl - any old clothes your can minorly dirty up - In any horror movie, there is always one girl who gets away unharmed. How , i have no clue, but it calls for a very easy outfit perfect for the season. Take any outfit you dont love or were going to donate, and throw some dirty and dust on it. Add to the fit by adding some red on the sleeves for the ' close calls" or rip up the bottoms of your pants to give the effect of running through the woods to your safety. Bonus points if your phone dies at the end of the night ( seriously - why does no one charge their phone before doing something sketchy?)

Did you pick something from the list? Tag us on instagram and show us your final halloween fit!


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