3 study tips to get you through finals

Finals. They can suck. But finding out what study habits work best for you can make all the difference when it comes to crushing those finals! Below are a few tips that can get you started with studying, and give you new techniques to try. Everyone studies different, so dont get discouraged if one thing works for your roommate and it doesn’t work for you!

study tips for college

solo or study group?

Do you study better alone? or with friends? Think of what atmosphere you can stay focused best. Some people need an accountability partner, while others need to not see another soul.

For me , I worked best studying with someone at the same table, however they had to be studying for a different class, or else I would ask them a question , and down the rabbit hole we go chatting about our holiday plans.

Photo from Pinterest.

studying tips for college

Be the teacher

Teachers have to know the material in order to teach it , right ?? Find a study room, preferably one with a white board, and either go solo or bring a buddy from your class. When you feel confident about a topic, act like the teacher and recite the knowledge from memory! This way you are writing and speaking the information to someone ( or an invisible someone!) and you would hate to tell them the wrong thing!

Photo from Pinterest.

study tips for college

Spell check

Did you know - rewriting your notes can help retain information? That means the more times you write out your bolded notes, the more likely you will remember them in the test. I always wrote down the key tips, , then found parts of the word that matched with the definition.

For example - “plantar flexion” means when you bend your foot downward to the ground. Thinking of “planting your foot” helped me remember that , versus the opposite ( dorsal flexion )

Photo from Pinterest.


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