Is Thanksgiving the best college break??


This might be an unpopular opinion , but isn’t Thanksgiving break the best break for college students- especially freshmen ? School is almost done for the semester , and you get to take a week off before your finals. A week where you don’t have to stress about shopping - cooking - cleaning - anything!

You go back home and your parents are excited to see you for a week. You bring your laundry ( because dorm units are gross ) and use your fresh and clean machine from home. And chances are - you can just throw your clothes in with your parents stuff and don’t have to lift a finger.

Your meals are all cooked for you, and you can finally eat something other than from the library vending machine. Bonus points if your grandparents are also in town and will cook for you too.

You get to sleep in your own bed, and hang out with your hometown friends since EVERYBODY comes home for thanksgiving. Which is a great stress reliever to vent about school , and hear what they have been up to.

And if you have a family pet, you already know they are HYPED to see you - and you are hyped to see them! You get to enjoy chilling with your furry friend since chances are you cant have one in the dorms.

If this is your family dynamic - then thanksgiving is your favorite college break hands down. Cheers to moms cooking, no classes, hometown friends, and a mini mental break before finals hell week begins.

To all our Somebody’s that might not have a Thanksgiving Break like described above - just know that Thanksgiving break is different for everybody and thats a good thing! Maybe you and your friends host an epic friends giving! Or maybe your excited to binge the Thanksgiving episodes of Gossip Girl all week ( been there !). No matter what your Thanksgiving looks like, just know that we at Somebody Society are so thankful to have you in our community!!

home for thanksgiving

What are you thankful for? No class? Not having to cook or do Laundry ? Photo from Pinterest


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