5 hosting tips you should know (as a guest!)

The Host - ie - the person who loves to have the pressure all on them for the perfect evening. If this is you - then youre the type A friend that everyone loves to visit. And if hosting is not your thing - well you’re still expected to put in a little but of effort ! As a guest, here are 5 tips you should know about hosting that will make the host invite you over again and again!

hosting tips you should know as a guest

Pay attention to details

Whether there is an formal invitation via mail, or a quick text with the details - you better pay attention to everything that was sent. Do NOT be that person asking what the address is 1 hour before arrival time, because unless there was a last minute change - that address was definitely in the original invitation. You can take 5 seconds to find it and give it a re read.

Photo from Pinterest.

hosting tips you should know as a guest

Bring a HELPFUL gift

If you’re going to someones home for the first time, or if you are going to a dinner , a gift is ALWAYS appreciated. But remember , a gift is something that the host gets to enjoy automatically, not work on when you arrive. For example - if you are bringing flowers ( a good gift! ) be sure that they are already cut and in a vase with water. If you bring flowers that are just wrapped in plastic, then the host might as well throw them away. Now they have to find a vase, cut the stems and clean up that mess so that the flowers stay alive, all while adding the finishing touches to the meal.

Photo from Pinterest.

hosting tips you should know as a guest

Say thank you

Even if you aren’t a fan of something - dont say anything !! (unless you are having an allergic reaction, obvi )

Photo from Pinterest.

hosting tips you should know as a guest

Help where you can

If you see the with their hands full - ask if you can help! They might say no, but at least you were nice enough to ask! They appreciate that much.

Photo from Pinterest.

hosting tips you should know as a guest

Don’t over stay your welcome

This will be different for every event or party, but dont stay wayyyyy later than everyone else. The hosts probably want to clean up and end their busy day at some point, so pick up on cues on when to leave and gtfo.

Cues include - yawning, active cleaning, the hosts not initiating conversation, if they say “wow thats crazy” more than 3 times, or if they change into comfy clothes.

Photo from Pinterest.


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